A funeral parlour provokes many images and none of them pleasant. Imagine being inside a funeral parlour in the dead of night and walking through an embalming room and mortuary that has been left exactly as it was over 30 years ago. If this is something that you believe that you are capable of doing, now is your chance. An overnight ghost hunt at Annison Funeral Parlour awaits you along with all the spirits and ghosts that linger within the building. The Staff who work in the pharmacy which is downstairs are terrified and would never dream of going upstairs alone in this fearful place. This location is reputed to be the most haunted building in Yorkshire with ghost sightings that would leave your blood running cold.
This terrible story and gristly tale does not end there however, as it is believed by some that Mary may have been the victim of known serial killer and Jack the Ripper suspect, Frederick Bailey Deeming. Deeming was a renowned criminal and murderer who had murdered his first wife and four children and buried them under the floorboards in their house in Merseyside. Coincidentally Deeming had just been released after serving time in Hull Jail under the name of Harry Lawson and was free and out in the streets at the time of the murder. According to local writer, historian and paranormal investigator Mike Covell, there were newspaper reports of the time that linked Deeming to the murder of Mary.
Deeming was a seafarer and is known to have travelled not only all over the country but across the world. He had murdered his family in Merseyside by slitting their throats and the same fate befell the woman he married in Australia, whose murder finally had him brought to justice. Deeming was eventually caught and arrested in March of 1892 in Perth, Western Australia. Among the various news reports about Deeming and his reign of terror across the world, there were stories that he'd spent time in Whitechapel, during 1888, and that during one period in prison he had supposedly confessed to fellow prisoners that he was indeed Jack the Ripper. The jury at his trial in Australia took little more than an hour to find him guilty, and Deeming was hanged on Monday May 23rd, 1892.