westmidland paranormal collective

westmidland paranormal collectives We Put The Normal In The Paranormal .

Four Crosses


The Four Crosses in Cannock Chase, was originally built in 1636, from old shipping timbers that are almost 1000 years old. Several secret passages have been discovered throughout the years, with more believed to exist.
Perhaps the most astonishing find has been the Old Coachmans uniform, preserved for over 150 years behind the chimney.
The building is certainly steeped in intrigue, and has many stories of tragedy. The most recent death at this 17th Century Inn, occurred in the 1980s, when a young boy ran out into the road outside the pub and was killed instantly.
Another tragic story is that of a young baby who died after falling from a table in the upper bar area sometime in the 1800s. There are also reports of many suicides in the building over the years as well.
With all of this tragedy, its little wonder this location is so haunted.

There are several reports of paranormal experiences at The Four Crosses. Many of which have been reported by both staff and visitors alike regularly. Glasses smashing, unexplained footsteps, and the apparition of young girl are the most common of all the reports. The most active area of the pub is the Ladies toilets.
The sounds of children crying and shadowy figures are often seen both day and night.